Saturday, November 30, 2019

Oedipus Is A Very Interesting Character In Greek Mythology. He Encount

Oedipus is a very interesting character in Greek mythology. He encounters many episodes on his journey, escaping the dangers of the prophecy he was told. Oedipus the King us the is quite exciting to the readers because of the dramatic irony Sophocles uses throughout the trilogy. Dramatic irony is when the audience is aware of something that is going to happen in the story, and the charatcer really has no idea. Oedipus the King is a Greek tragedy. There are five basic elements of a typical tragedy. They are prologue, parados, episode, stasimon, exodus. The prologue is basically the opening scene, in which the background of the story is formed. This is usually accomplished by a dialogue between two characters, or by a single actor. Parados is the entrance of the chorus(clarifies the feelings and experiences of the character), usually chanting a lyric that relates to the main theme. The counterpart of the modern scene, where the plot is developed through action or dialogue is called the episode. Stasimon is basically the choral ode. Finally, the exodus is the conclusion or final action, usually ended by a ceremonial exit of all the characters in the tragedy. These are the five basic elements that make up a Greek tragedy. To get a better understanding of Oedipus the King, you can go to the link below, and get an overview of the tragedy.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Polar Molecule Definition and Examples

Polar Molecule Definition and Examples Polar Molecule  Definition A polar molecule is a molecule containing polar bonds where the sum of all the bonds dipole moments is not zero. Polar bonds form when there is a difference between the electronegativity values of the atoms participating in a bond. Polar molecules also form when the spatial arrangement of chemical bonds leads to more positive charge on one side of the molecule than the other.​ Examples of Polar Molecules Water (H2O) is a polar molecule. The bonds between hydrogen and oxygen are distributed so that the hydrogen atoms are both on one side of the oxygen atom, rather than evenly spaced. The oxygen side of the molecule has a slight negative charge, while the side with the hydrogen atoms has a slight positive charge.Ethanol is polar because the oxygen atoms attract electrons because of their higher electronegativity than other atoms in the molecule. Thus the -OH group in ethanol has a slight negative charge.Ammonia (NH3) is polar.Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is polar.Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is polar. Carbon dioxide is made up of polar bonds, but the dipole moments cancel each other out and therefore is not a polar molecule. Predicting Polarity and Nonpolarity Whether a molecule is polar or nonpolar is a matter of its geometry. If one end of the molecule has a positive charge, while the other end has a negative charge, the molecule is polar. If a charge is evenly distributed around a central atom, the molecule is nonpolar.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Are you guilty of sending those dreaded generic LinkedIn invitations Dont do it!

Are you guilty of sending those dreaded generic LinkedIn invitations Dont do it! At a recent social event, I met a masters degree student who wanted to connect with me on LinkedIn. I found her profile on my handy mobile app and handed her my phone so she could confirm I had the correct person. Before I knew what was happening, she had pushed the â€Å"Connect† button. I had unwittingly sent out (gasp!) a cookie cutter invitation on LinkedIn. I’ll tell you a secret: I once did this myself. That big blue Connect button is just too tempting!! The generic LinkedIn invitation is a pet peeve of most LinkedIn experts and business people on LinkedIn, prompting such snarkily written articles as Why I Didn’t Accept Your LinkedIn Request. While I realize that following instructions will not in a million years prevent you from ever sending out a generic LinkedIn message again, I hope they will at least decrease the occurrence of this social gaffe. Initiating a Connection the Right Way Prior to LinkedIns recent interface update, it was easy to mistakenly send a generic â€Å"I’d like to join your LinkedIn network† message from your desktop app. With the new LinkedIn, you get a nudge not to go down this road. After clicking on the Connect button you’ll have a choice of whether to Add a note or Send now. Click Add a note and you’ll have this nice blank box to fill in: Write your note (300 characters) and send! If you don’t choose to add a note and accidentally hit â€Å"Send now,† your connection will get an email that looks something that looks like this: What would someones incentive be for accepting such a generic invitation? Most people won’t. How to Send a Mobile Invitation the Right Way! When I deliver LinkedIn workshops, I always make a point of teaching people how to send a customized, personal invitation from their phones, so as not to send the dreaded â€Å"I’d like to join your LinkedIn network† canned message. I give careful instructions and invite people to practice by connecting with me. Nine times out of 10, someone in the audience pipes up, â€Å"Oops! I just sent you a generic invitation by mistake!† Despite the potential futility of doing so, I will now explain how to personalize your invitations on your mobile device. To send a customized invitation via iPhone or Android, go to your contacts profile and click the 3-dot †¦ button in the upper right (tie your hands behind your back and do NOT click CONNECT!! LinkedIn will not warn you on your phone that you’re about to send a generic invitation): From the dropdown menu, click Personalize Invite (note this menu might vary depending on what operating system you’re using): And write your message. On some Android devices, after going to a member’s profile, you may need to tap either the Menu or the More button, then Customize Invite, write your message and Send. What Should I Say? If you want to make a connection and youre stuck on what to say, you can say something about someone you know in common, or about a place you used to work together or where they work now. Perhaps mention a conversation they started or participated in a LinkedIn group. Or maybe you have a potential work project for them. Be friendly and let them know you are human! Fixing Mistakes If you accidentally connect with someone without including a message, you can always cancel the invitation or, if you miss the window for cancellation, you may be able to send another message with a customized note later. Note that this second solution will only work for people who accept non-InMail messages, or if you are able to send InMail! To rescind your invitation before it’s accepted, click on the My Network tab: Next, click â€Å"Manage all† in the upper right-hand corner: On the resulting page, click on Sent and you’ll get a list of pending invitations. You can click on Withdraw to cancel that message you sent accidentally. Practice! Now that you know the basics about LinkedIn invitations, heres a chance to practice Click here to connect with me on LinkedIn! If we’re already connected, find someone else you want to add to your network and send them a nice message. You’ll both be glad you did. Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Killing With Keyboards Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Killing With Keyboards - Assignment Example sing the information to a pedophile to threaten Chris’ children; (4) altering the information to spread confusion just for the sake of fun; or, (5) harassing him for ransom. Vulnerabilities include: (1) Trojan horses, which are destructive programs that are sent into the computer system so that all important passwords and valuable information such as the social security number is conveyed to the thief. (2) Email phishing, in which the victim (Chris) is sent emails that scam him by leading him to a counterfeit website which inquires about his private information. (3) Viruses, which infect the systems and unlock all important information. (5) Social networking, which makes all shared information vulnerable. (5) Employee sabotage, in which a colleague gets unauthorized access to information. Measures include educating the internet users about their rights of protection so that they do not become victims at the hands of criminals (Newman, 2009). The more the awareness about the us er’s information security, the lesser will be the chance of fraudulent

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health Inequalities in the United Kingdom Essay

Health Inequalities in the United Kingdom - Essay Example Today, there is little doubt that health has become an important determinant of the social well being of the people and therefore also of the nation. In simple words, one can define health inequality as the absence of equal health facilities. But the definition of the term ‘health inequality’ is much broad and complex. The theorists link the definition of health inequalities with the social class and social strata. Whitehead, on his celebrated paper â€Å"The Concepts and Principles of Equity in Health†, defined the concept as the differences in health that are avoidable, unfair and unnecessary. Also, he maintained that the concept of health inequality has been a topic of constant debate in Europe (Whitehead, 1992). According to few of the other experts of the field, the equality essentially involve absence of systematic disparities in health among the various social groups that have different social merits or demerits as health inequalities generally affect those who are already in the disadvantageous position in the society (Braveman & Gruskin, 2007). The modern research has proved it time and again that the health inequalities largely depend upon the social classes and social inequalities. It has been observed that more deprived the class, more prevalent is the inequalities in health. Karl Marx, the celebrated Communist theorist had two specific factors in his definition of class. The first is that of objective factors (this defines the relationship of one with the means of production) and the second involves subjective factors (it is the common interest among the members of the society). Max Weber, on the other hand, developed three component theory of stratification with extreme emphasis upon class, status and politics. He thought the relationship between the three factors varies from society to society. Social class and health are closely related. As social class is often associated with one’s economic and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The lost Boy by Dave Pelzer Essay Example for Free

The lost Boy by Dave Pelzer Essay Dave Peltzer the author of The Lost Boy tells his story from the time he left his abusive mother and alcoholic father, through his experiences in five foster homes and juvenile detention, and how he eventually made it into the Air Force. He was a defiant, rebellious boy who, despite his background and personality, managed to endear himself to many guardians, social workers, and teachers. Pelzer writes in an honest, sometimes rambling, style; he is never bitter, and his story will find many sympathetic readers. The main purpose for Dave to write this book is to show at what lengths children and adolescents have gone to over come the unmentionable hardships of and abusive family. The three most valuable things I have learned from this book are very hard to choose. The book was full of many things to help me in my everyday life. Ranging from how to deal with kids who have be through abusive situations to how kids of abuse act in general. The first one has to be, Dave was very tactful in how he handled his thoughts and feelings. Many children his age are running around chasing girls and hanging with the guys. Not him he was studying hard and trying to be better than his parents were. He would always squander away what he had, so no one could take what was rightfully his and that includes his life. The second thing that was useful was how Dave was never angry with his situation he would just look at it as another challenge. Many times through out the book Dave would have to change foster homes after being fairly settled in the way of living there. Most teens his age cant handle a great deal of change but Dave would just go with the flow and never bat an eye lash. The third most valuable thing has to be his willingness to help. I would think that since no one would help him he would not help anyone else. On the contrary, Dave was always helping with chores, making dinner, and doing little extra things he didnt have to do. I later found out through reading the book that Daves willingness to help stems from his need to feel loved and wanted. I can honestly say that I could never have gone through the painstaking trials and tribulations Dave went though while he was in his teen yes. It take a special person to do that and Dave is that special person. PARENTING TECHNIQUES Daves mother was a very troubled woman who for some unknown reason liked to target Dave and blame him for any and all bad things that happened. His mother was and Authoritative and neglectful at the same time. Some may say how can one parent be on both extremes of things but there are  a few instance with in the book which shows both. For example Daves mother would make him do all the chores and never was aloud to play. For some reason even if Dave finished what he was told to do in the time he was told to do it he would not be fed or worse he would be part of his mother Games and Test. His mothers Games and Tests range from putting him in freezing cold water for 5 hours at a time to making him sit on the garage steps with his hands under his bottom head strait a head for up to 36 hours at a time no food, bathroom, shower or other needs to live. Dave was saved from this horror when he was 15 but he was in foster care and the parenting techniques ranged from authoritarian to indulgent, but anything was better than what he had endured at his mothers house. DELINQUENCY Dave in his teen years was for the most part a very well behaved boy. He was working hard in school and kept to himself for the most part. Although Dave did have a small problem he like to take things with out asking or stealing. Daves stealing habits stem from his basic survival needs that he instinctively put up when his mother would make him go with out food, water, and basic sanitation. Dave at times would also lash out at his foster families so that they would not get to close to him. In some cases when Dave would lash out he would be put into another foster home and have to readjust to things again. Dave usually liked to lash out he thought he didnt need anyone just himself. He could handle himself since he could handle his mother Games and Tests. Daves delinquent actions are fairly normal of abused and neglected teens.  Dave was also just being a normal teen trying find himself in a world that had not found him for almost 12 years. DEPRESSION Dave did have a great deal of depression in his life. He would think why does my mother treat me like I am a piece of *censored*? Daves depression stemmed from he long ours of being with himself. He had many hours, day, months, and years to think about what he had done. His mother made him out to be an evil unwanted child who was worthless. Dave thought the main reason his mother didnt like him and his father wouldnt talk to him any more that he had failed as a son. Not till Dave was in foster care and his foster parents brought him to a therapist did Dave realize what had happened to him was to his fault and Dave was a normal boy. His mother was suffering from alcoholism and manic depression and her outlasted were targeted at him cause he was his fathers pride and joy. His father ignored him to please his wife (Daves mother). His father  also started drinking to drowned his sorrows. SUICIDE You would think that since Dave was so brutally abused and his own mother stabbed him almos t to death with out even drinking him to the hospital he would have wanted even once to kill himself. I know that if anyone did anything like Daves mother did to me and I had to change homes 7 different times and had kids picking on me cause I smelled or I didnt have a real mom or dad I would want to kill myself. Not Dave, he only worked harder to live and please anyone including his mother so that in hopes she would stop this unlawful actions against him. Not once did Dave even want to end his life instead of thinking negatively he would say When I get older and out of here, I will be a better man I will be the man my father once was. Dave during his time at his mothers house always held his dad on a pedestal. No mater what happened Daves dad was Superman to him. Dave would think of flying away with his dad to a better place where he would be a person not just a Child called It (Peltzers first book). Dave also vowed that if her were to kill himself that he would only be surrendering to him mothers wishes and even though he tired to please his mother that is the one thing he would no t let her have was his well deserved life. ANOREXIA-BULIMIA NERVOSA The way Daves mother treated him is shocking. There was one way that Daves mother had complete control over him and that was what he could and couldnt eat. Most of the time Dave was not permitted to eat. When Dave went to school he would steal other kids lunches so that he could eat food that was not spoiled. Dave did get in trouble for this sever times. After the third time Daves mother made him run home faster than all the other children and vomit in to the toilet to see if he had stolen. Daves mother would some make him eat rotten pork and chicken one every 3 weeks that is the only food he would get and if Dave purged he would have another Game and Test to do for his mother. Dave had become so good at hiding what he had ate that he would vomit before he left school so that he could at least enjoy his home or at least what home he had. Dave at times would try to steal food that his brothers didnt eat but if he was caught he would have to go in the tub of ice water or deal with the pneumonia and bleach combination in the bathroom with no ventilation. When Dave made is way out of his mother house into foster care. Dave would try to salvage food so that if by chance the foster family would not let him eat he would be able to have food. If Dave was caught with the food he had  taken and his foster family went to talk to him he would go to the bathroom and vomit so that he would please them. I feel Dave Peltzer has been through an unimaginable childhood and adolescent li fe. I think the book is a heart felt story of a boys struggle for acceptance and aiming to please those around him. I feel if anyone can over come what Dave has over come that what he tells is accurate in the most scary way possible. Scary in a sense that anyone could handle such hard ships and still be alive to tell about it. Dave was stabbed, poisoned, neglected, beaten, uprooted from him home at age 15, bounced from foster home to foster home without having a real place to call home. I think that this book addressed the real things that happen to a child of abuse. For there initial home life to the bounce from foster care home to home. The real issue in the book that child abuse is everywhere in every degree. Some are hidden ways such as verbal and some are so extreme that a child has no where to turn but to the abuse itself. This book more than anyone could imagine my anticipations and expectations were met 120%. The book was very descriptive and helpful on how to deal with teens in crisis. I would recommend this book and Dave Peltzers other two books. The main reason is that the book describes Daves journey to find acceptance and a place to call home really touched my soul. The tears I cry for all the kids out there that need a voice to be heard. Mrs. Gold is God send She was Daves social worker she took the time to understand Daves story and be his voice for him. We need more people in the Human Services field like the ones who have helped Dave in his journey. This book is a good book for people who work in any type of Human Service job such as a YMCA or a foster family just to show at what lengths kids will go to be safe and saved.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Titanic :: essays research papers fc

Titanic I have always been intrigued by the Titanic, but my interest boomed with the recent development in how the side of the ship was damaged. I was amazed that instead of causing a gaping wound, as was previously believed, the iceberg that Titanic hit merely caused a series of small rips in the side of the ship. Sonar was used to determine that the side of the ship had six small slits that were no bigger than a single hand ( This research amazed me because of the amount of water that passed through the small slits in the hull. I was always interested in ships, but the mystery that surrounded the Titanic sinking caused me to choose it for my senior project. At our first meeting (May 29, 1997), Mrs. Ferguson mentioned that I should try to incorporate my creative writing abilities into the project. Together, we came up with writing fictional diary entries for real passengers. My intent was to bring the people of the doomed liner to life through their thoughts throughout the trip. I chose which passengers’ diaries I would write and then heavily researched each of these individuals. The craze from the movie Titanic made getting information difficult but I was able to gather the facts I needed from the Internet as well as books and documents from the library. After researching the people, I adapted their personas and attempted to write a close facsimile to what I believe their diaries would have resembled. RMS Titanic was the last grand dream of the Gilded Age. It was designed to be the greatest achievement of an era of prosperity, confidence, and propriety. The old presumptions about class, morals, and gender-roles were about to be shattered. If the concept of Titanic was the climax of the age, then perhaps its sinking was the curtain that marked the end of the old drama and the start of a new one. The intensely competitive transatlantic steamship business had seen recent major advances in ship design, size and speed. White Star Li ne, one of the leaders, was determined to focus on size and elegance rather than pure speed. In 1907, White Star Line's managing director, J. Bruce Ismay, and Lord James Pirrie, a partner in Harland & Wolff, conceived of a vision of three magnificent steam ships which would set a new standard for comfort, elegance, and safety.

Monday, November 11, 2019

What can you learn about Roosevelt from this Source?

What can you learn about Roosevelt from this Source? Explain your answer, using details from the source. (6 marks) One thing that I think you can learn from source A about Roosevelt is that he was clearly a kind and caring man. Although Source A has been taken out of context it is clear that the writer of this letter thought that Roosevelt was a very fine president. From source A we can assume that the writer of this letter was having difficulties and was having trouble extending his mortgage so he wrote to the president asking for help. We can then assume that the President sent a letter in reply saying that he will send one of his workers or acquaintances to try and help the man/ woman get their house/furniture back for them. This shows that Roosevelt was very considerate and did not set himself back from the ordinary people of America. With acts like these, he inspired the American people and gave them courage throughout the Depression and Second World War. Though there are many things that can be learnt from source A about Franklin D. Roosevelt, there are still important things that cannot be learnt. We cannot learn whether the writer of this letter previously knew the President or find out who he or she was. Another important thing that we cannot find out from source A is the precise facts of what went on, i.e. was the house gong to be repossessed? Or what were his or her financial details? Without this information, it is hard to find out whether Roosevelt would have been as generous to everyone as he was to this person. Question 2 – Study sources B and C How far do these two sources differ in their view of Roosevelt as president? Explain your answer-using details from the sources and your own knowledge. (7 marks) Sources B and C differ in many ways. For example, one is anti-Roosevelt, and one is pro-Roosevelt. The cartoons were both drawn in the mid-1930's but source C clearly attacks Roosevelt while source B is optimistic and shows that Roosevelt is trying to remove the bad and clean America up. These sources are both cartoons that are opposite and show the views that were circulating at that time. Source B shows that the treasurer is counting the cost of this clean up and shows that FDR is ready for work as his sleeves are rolled up, and portrays him as a very dedicated president. The cartoon for source B shows FDR carrying out his promises, one of these were to take ‘action and action now!' Roosevelt worked alongside the Brain Trust, which was a group of experts, which passed new laws; one of these was called ‘The New Deal'. America's economy was in such a state that Roosevelt was given emergency powers and with these he carried out his three aims which were: Relief, Recovery, and Reform. Roosevelt was prepared to provide a large amount of Government money to relieve the poor but to raise Government money taxes had to be raised and this, along with many other factors, is why the rich did not like FDR. In the mid-1930's the newspapers were not in support of FDR, neither were businessmen and the Republicans, this was because they thought for one, that the New Deal would be making people lazy, and certain people would just depend on Government help and handouts. They also did not like the New Deal, as it was the well off that had to pay for the Social Security of their workers. Source C differs from source B completely, as source C shows the taxpayer's money is being completely wasted and that all of the money that is getting put into the New Deal is not giving a just return. It shows that the actual New Deal has flaws in it that make the New Deal dysfunctional, whereas source B is pro-Roosevelt and shows that he is cleaning up the mess that President Hoover left America in. Source B shows that FDR is getting rid of all of the promises and things that Hoover was unable to carry out and things that were associated with Hoover. Source C and Source B can be seen as the rich and the poor people's views at this time of American history. Source C as the rich and Source B as the poor and those affected by the Great Depression. Source B shows that FDR is clearing the old (bad) and making way for the new (good). He is giving moral to the citizens by showing them how to forget the past and to focus on the future. The sources differ, and another way of explaining this is the way in which source B states the year that the cartoon was drawn and says who it was by, whereas source C shown the cartoon and assumes that it was drawn in the mid 1930's but does not say who by. Question 3 – Study sources D and E Which source is more reliable on the popularity of Roosevelt as president? Explain your answer, using details from the source and your own knowledge. (8 marks) The source that I think is more reliable on the popularity of Roosevelt as president is source E, I think for the following reasons. Source D is written by Roosevelt himself and shows his view on the previous government and what they did not do. He says and acknowledges that the previous government was dysfunctional and says that America had to go through nine years of allusions that Hoover and his government put forth. Roosevelt says that ‘powerful influences' (businessmen, rich and Republicans) are still trying to bring back the old government that ‘failed' and did not care for the ordinary people of America. This is probably because they did not have to pay as much money for Tax and did not have to pay for the Social Security of their workers. FDR states that government by organised money, i.e. rich businessmen, is as dangerous as decree by ‘thugs'. He says that it is the first time that he has been hated by these united forces, but he welcomes their hatred. Source E was written by a Republican opponent of the New Deal that clearly damned the New Deal. He says the deal is taking away far too much of ‘their' money (the tax-payers) in an attempt to reap equality he also says that this is a defiance of all the ideas upon which our civilisation has been founded. He also says that the cautious with money are being taxed while the lazy poor simply inherit. I think that source E is the most reliable source to see how popular was, because it is written by an opponent to FDR and his laws but still says how much FDR is helping to ‘relieve, recover and reform' those badly affected by the Great Depression. By doing so, it proves that those affected by the Great Depression and those left jobless were greatly helped by Roosevelt and were very fond of him as a president, whereas the republicans and the rich businessmen did not like him at all. So, taking into account that almost everyone in America was affected by the Great Depression and were looking for a president that would help them out, FDR would have been extremely popular with the general population, excluding the rich, which were at this time a minority. Source E, as written by an anti-FDR citizen shows this, which is why I have chosen source E as the most reliable source. Question 4 – Study sources F and G Which source is more useful for assessing the success of Roosevelt's New Deal? Explain your answer, using details from the source and your own knowledge (8 marks) The source that I think is more reliable on the popularity of Roosevelt as president is source G, I think for the following reasons. Source G shows a table that illustrates the performance of the US economy during the 1930s and from this chart it is clear to see some very important facts about the great depression and how it affected the labour force and the unemployed people of America in the 30s. It is very useful because you can easily see the evidence and Information of the facts of the depression and what the new deal achieved. Source G is more useful than the other source because it shows how successful the new deal actually was, it also allows us to see how much unemployment was reduced and was the new deal actually achieved. Source G shows us that that when the Second World War occurred countries were in high demand of manufactured goods and that is how America was lifted out of the depression. It also shows us that the graph on source G shows us that the new deal continually needed money to be pumped into it in order to stop the situation getting any worse and hopefully improve it. Source F shows us that the new deal made many citizens happy. Therefore source F shows us how successful the new deal was at gaining popularity from the cartoon, though this is not reliable evidence and a cartoon on the from of an NRA song book can not prove to us that that was the impression of Roosevelt though we can speculate. Source F shows us popularity and is not particularly accurate as it was an artist's impression and the artist that drew the cartoon would have been commissioned so they would have been made to embellish. Source F is not really an accurate source to analyse Roosevelt's success. It is not useful because it just shows people marching and shows Roosevelt's popularity with the people. The two sources show two different types of success of the new deal. but. Source F shows us how successful the new deal was but it is not useful like source g.. Source F does not show us how successful the new deal was it just shows us that it had popularity†¦ Source G therefore shows us more things and is therefore more useful and it is more reliable than source f. Source G shows so much more than source F and is therefore more useful in showing how successful the new deal was and what it achieved. Question 6 – study all of the sources and use your own knowledge. The following are two different views of Roosevelt: (i) He was a great leader, who inspired his country More sources support the interpretation that Roosevelt was a great leader than that he was an inconsistent president. The evidence that supports the interpretation that Roosevelt was an inconsistent president was unreliable. Source C is attacking the New deal. This source is unreliable because many of the newspaper owners were hostile to Roosevelt. Source E is also attacking the New deal but his is unreliable because an opposition of Roosevelt wrote it and it was written at a time when Roosevelt was unpopular. Also sources J and I are attacking Roosevelt but these are also unreliable. From this I can say that the evidence that says that Roosevelt was an inconsistent president is unreliable. From the evidence that suggests that Roosevelt was a good president there are still unreliable sources. An unreliable source A because it could have been written by anyone who supported Roosevelt. Source B is an inaccurate source because we do not know who Drew the carton. Source d is also unreliable because Roosevelt himself wrote the speech. Source F is unreliable because people who supported Roosevelt drew it. But Source G is reliable because it is a government document and therefore unlikely that it would be inaccurate. Source H is reliable because an historian wrote it and therefore the historian would have a balanced opinion because he would have analysed lots of evidence and he was not intimately involved with the depression. From this there are two pieces of evidence that are reliable and support the statement that Roosevelt was a great leader. The best-supported interpretation is that Roosevelt was a great leader, who inspired his country, relieved poverty and distress and dealt with the depression in an imaginative way.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Causes and Effects of Cancer

In the human body, cells are constantly going through the cell cycle. An Important step of the cell cycle Is called mitosis, In which the cell (referred to as the parent cell) undergoes a series of steps that lead to the formation of two daughter cells. This process only occurs In somatic cells, which are any nongamete cells. Gametes are haploid (containing only half of a full chromosome set, 23 chromosomes vs. a diploid's 46) cells in the form of sperm (males) or ovum (females).Some areas of the body undergo very little mitotic division at all, such as muscles and nervous tissue. Other areas undergo mitotic division in response to a growth factor, which is a signal to cells of a specific area to begin mitosis. This growth factor is released into the extracellular fluid in certain portions of the body in response to four basic stimuli: growth, repair, asexual reproduction, and regeneration. In humans, growth and repair are the prevalent stimuli. Growth dictates the maturation of an o rganism during a specific period of time†known as puberty in humans.Repair, on the other and, occurs when an organism sustains an injury such as a laceration, in which mitotic division occurs to create a blood clot to seal the wound, and epithelial cells undergo the process as well to recreate the skin cells that were destroyed. To control the rate ot mitotic cell division, the body uses growth signals and antigrowth signals. cancerous cells are those that Ignore antgrowth signals, and can continue to replicate without growth factors. After a certain amount of rnltotlc dlvlslons, the telomeres In cells shorten until there Is none, and programmed apoptosis†cell death †occurs.Cancer cells elongate their telomeres, and so can also replicate almost indefinitely. When these cells start to build up, they form a mass called a tumor. Tumors can either be benign or malignant. Benign tumors on the skin have hair growth and clean edges, whereas malignant tumors do not and are cancerous. The condition can worsen if any cells from a malignant tumor detach and travel to other parts of the body through the circulatory or lymphatic systems. The tumor will then begin growing in the location where the cell ends up. nd can be fatal In certain organs like the liver or the brain, What makes these cells especially dangerous is ngiogenesis, in which the blood vessels near a tumor grow to increase the blood supply to that area, providing necessary nutrients and oxygen to the cancerous cells and depriving nearby healthy cells. Cancerous cells also divide more frequently because the length of time a cell spends in Interphase†the â€Å"inactive† phase†is shortened. This becomes even more dangerous when considering that less time is spent on replicating the DNA so the daughter cells are more likely to have chromosomal disorders. 3.The article presents new evidence and viewpoints regarding the formauon of malignant tumors and cells. At first, In the 90 s, It was elieved that cancer was â€Å"the result of cumulative mutations that alter specific locations In a cell's DNA and thus change the particular proteins encoded by cancer- related genes at those spots. † Of course It Is already clear that certain substances, such as tobacco, asbestos, and UV radiation, are common cancer-causers (carcinogens). wnat Is Delng aeoatea, nowever, Is wnat erect tnese suostances nave on cells that cause malignancy in the first place†or†What makes these substances carcinogens?In regards to the DNA mutation theory, evidence stemmed from observations of tumor suppressors and oncogenes. These two genes inhibit a cells' ability to divide, and stimulate growth respectively. DNA mutations would either disable tumor suppressors, or â€Å"permanently lock oncogenes into an active state. † While still supported by a few in the field, disagree. â€Å"No one questions that cancer is ultimately a disease of the DNA. † There are, however, a substantial amount of other factors that have been observed to vary between normal and cancerous genes.Opponents of the dogma feel that â€Å"Cancer is a consequence of a chaotic process, a combination of Murphys Law and Darwin's law; anything that can go wrong will, and n a competitive environment, the best adapted survive and prosper. † Age is a significant risk factor for cancer, as it is for most diseases. The older you are, the more likely you are to be diagnosed with cancer. On hypothesis that differs from the cumulative-mutations theory says that there are five or six regulation systems that need to be affected in order for a cell to be malignant.These six â€Å"special abilities† are: growth in the absence of growth signals, continued growth despite anti-growth signals, evasions apoptosis, ability to coopt blood vessels to branch off towards the mass, near-indefinite replications, and metastasis. Of the six, it is metastasis that provides the most di fficult aspect to counteract, as different drugs and treatment methods have to be utilized based on the region in which cancer is preset. For instance, chemotherapy is not very effective for bone cancer.Very few cells in a tumor have the ability to metastasize, however, once detected it is usually too late. â€Å"The prominent paradigm for 25 years has been that tumors grow in spurts of mutation and expansion. † Mutations affect genetic material in such a way that usual regulatory proteins are unable to be synthesized properly, or at all. Once mutated, cells then expand and replicate much faster than normal cells (explained in the background section). It is, however, much easier to permanently activate an oncogene than it is to suppress the tumor alleles (one mutation rather than two).It is, however, now believed that cancer is not Just caused from mutations to a few specific genes. If â€Å"Just a small fraction of the cells in a tumor are responsible for its growth and met astasis,† the â€Å"cure† for cancer is much more easily attainable. Seeing as mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells, DNA mutations present in the arent cells should also be observable in both daughter cells. Most tumors are not actually masses of identical clones; instead, there is an â€Å"amazing genetic diversity among their cells. While there are some commonly-mutated genes from cancer cell to cancer cell (like p53), â€Å"most other cancer genes are changed in only a small fraction of cancer types†¦ † Aneuploidy is a term describing abnormalities in chromosomes. â€Å"If you look at most solid tumors in adults, it looks like someone set Offa bomb in the nucleus†¦ there are big pieces of chromosomes hooked together and duplications or osses of whole chromosomes. † The issue though, is that most cancer cells's genomes are unstable as wells as aneuploid, and so the new introduced problem is whether mutations or aneuploidy occurs first in a cancerous cell.One of the three plausible answers is the modified dogma. This states that some external or internal factor disables the genes needed for synthesizing and repairing DNA, resulting in an ty to correct mutatlons tnat occur. Anotner optlon Is â€Å"early InstaDlllty,† statlng that there are specific master genes required for a cell to divide, and these are silenced. Thus, when chromosomes replicate and mistakes occur, the daughter cells fail to get the correct number of type of chromosomes. As replication continues, so do the â€Å"results† worsen.The last theory is the â€Å"all-aneuploidy' theory, in which a cellular division error produced aneuploid daughter cells that have varying amounts of different genes. The specific genes that code for enzymes which correct DNA mutations are unable to be synthesized, and thus the DNA begins to fail and kill the aneuploid cells with it. 4. While on the longer side of the spectrum, Gibbs' article i s well-written, detailed, and incredibly informative. Above all, the article is also relevant†both to our current unit in AP Biology, and in the medical field.The article is about ten years old at this point, however, much, if not all, of the information described and provided is still highly accurate and in question today. While there have been numerous developments in the biotechnology fields specializing in treatment and detection of cancer, not many advancements have taken place in regards to identifying the reasons why certain substances are carcinogenic. Mitosis and meiosis are subjects that go hand in hand with cancer, as it is literally an ncontrolled amount of mitotic division, making the article easy to relate too.New terms such as oncogenes and tumor suppressors are well explained, and numerous links to previous material (such as protein synthesis and chromosomal disorders) can be made by any knowledgeable AP Biology student. Comprehension was not an issue whatsoeve r, and the article was wonderfully written as well as fascinating. That said, I would highly recommend the article to anyone†AP Biology student or otherwise, as it is informative in layman's terms, as well as important in modern society.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes, essays

Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes, essays English Civil War and Glorious Revolution followed the Dutch revolt against Spain as the second of the Western Revolutions that ended absolute monarchy and finally led to democratic representative government. As tradition had it that the English leaders in 1641-49 and 1688-89 that their acts were revolutionary. Parliament chopped of the head of one king and replaced him by another because of the traditional liberties of England. Statesmen and pamphleteers arguing for royalist, parliamentary, or radical principals made this a impressionable period of modern political thought. The Three main theorists of the time Bishop Bossuet, Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke had similarities and differences between their beliefs. Bishop Bossuet was a tutor to Louis XIVs son in the 1670s, and the most religious and the main theorist of the kings absolutism. He believed that the royal power is absolute. That the king does not even need to give an account of his day to anyone, and so it is not possible for writers to try to write about the confusing subjects of absolute government and arbitrary government. In addition, he believed that if the king does not have absolute power he is not able to conduct a advantageous act for the state or put down evil and rebellions. The king he believed is not a private person, but a public one, which has the state and will of people with him. As all perfection and all strength is united in God, so all the power of individuals is united in the person of the prince . He found it magnifying that one man could manifest so Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher and political theorist and one of the first modern Western thinkers to provide a non-religious justification for the political state. Hobbes wrote the Leviathan which distilled the political insights of the civil war. Hobbes saw in humanity a perpetual ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Air and Water Pollution Paper

Carbon oxide and Nitrogen oxide are one of the many air pollutants this world is having problems with. As for carbon oxide and nitrogen oxide they fall into the category of a primary pollutant, or as so I believe. The reason for why I believe this is because when nitrogen oxide is let out and exposed into the air it can harm the growth of our plants and crops which results us to lose quantities of our food being grown. Also if nitrogen oxide is inhaled it can cause health complications such as asthma.It is a harmful gas that’s created when chemical interactions such as nitrogen and oxygen are combined together and in some cases it can become life threatening. Carbon oxides are the gases produced my carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that’s extremely poisonous and if exposed to it in any way or matter in can begin to reduce the bloods ability to transport oxygen. Carbon dioxide is associated with global warming because carbon dioxide is made up of fossil fuels such as gasoline; methane and propane containing mostly carbon in it.When these fuels are burned, they react with oxygen and produce carbon dioxide which is exposed out into the air which in conclusion leads to the pollutant letting sun lights heat and energy in but doesn’t let that same heat energy out. Nitrogen oxide is a harmful gas that is extremely harmful for not only humanity but earth as well. Nitrogen oxide effects both the ozone layer and on our global warming problem. Once the nitrogen oxide has made its way into the ozone layer, the atmosphere slowly decreases into the stratosphere where the shorter wave length UV rays destroy the nitrogen oxide.Carbon dioxide is a supplement to global warming by consuming energy and heat from earth, trapping it and preventing its release into space. Like carbon oxide is a Greenhouse gas, it effects and influence the climate on earth by increasing carbon oxide levels straightened to supply absorption  and  emission  of  thermal infrared. High levels of nitrogen oxide can be very dangerous to not only humans but animal life as well and it can be fatal. The lower levels of nitrogen oxide can cause damage to the delicate lung tissues in our body. For animals this can cause lung dieses which looks to be like emphysema to humans.Through the ozone layer, long term exposure to nitrogen oxide on animals leads to repertory infections. Plants are surrounded and feed off of nitrogen oxide; it has been seen in many plant activities. The gradient of nitrogen oxide can also guide the pollen tube to its destination located in the ovule. Some of the main contributors of water pollution are factories, oil spills, house hold chemicals and waste treatment facilities. Factories and large industries take a big part in water pollution because, most factories use very large amounts of clean fresh water to wash away waste and any harsh chemicals the factory is discarding.The waste-bearing water, or effluent, is discharged into streams, lakes, or oceans, which in turn disperse the polluting substances. The majority of lakes, rivers, and oceans all are polluted because of the basic everyday uses such as fishing, swimming, as drinking supplies such as juice and alcohol, which can result in harming the sea life. Oil spills caused by large boat rips in the body and oil drills in the middle of the ocean have caused a lot of damage to our sea. Birds can die if they get oil caught into their feathers, the birds natural instinct its to lick and clean itself and when it does it will be poisoned.Animals may surface and some come to la nd to avoid the oil spills but eventually die from hypothermia because their body temperatures will begin to lower, and those exposed in the water will also die once the oil has entered into their lungs or liver. This is why we must be careful and avoid polluting water not for our own benefit but for our wild life’s benefit too.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Research Proposal - Essay Example Although judging people from the face value may reveal certain issues about them, it is not a representative way of understanding an individual. The story introduces to the readers a number of characters that are only defined by the things they carry. However, such tendencies may not provide the exact representation of the individuals presented in this context. Jimmy Cross is thought to be in love with a former girlfriend who he dated before joining the service (O’Brien 3). The assumption presented in the story that Cross intimates is that he hopes the girl is still in love with him. However, the letters from the woman suggest a contrary opinion. Ideally, what is thought to be a love issue is blown out of proportion only for the mere details in the letter. Though the letters reveal an element of love as exhibited by Cross, the woman feels the opposite way effectively making the letters a mere symbol of love and not the actual feelings (O’Brien 3). O’Brien introduces the characters by describing the different things carried by the soldiers. Ordinarily, one would easily define the individuals based on the various things they have in their possession. For instance, Henry Dobbins is introduced as a person who carries extra foodstuffs (O’Brien 5). From the face value, it would mean that Dobbins likes eating or never gets satisfied. However, such a perception may not have any basis because being a soldier would mean that Dobbins is only taking precautionary measures so that he is not disenfranchised while in the battlefield. O’Brien introduces Ted Lavender as an individual who carries the tranquilizer pills. Defining the personality or the character of Lavender by the pills he carries does not provide facts concerning her. Kiowa walks with the hunting hatchet throughout the journey, and this would perhaps give the impression that he is a hunter (O’Brien 6). It is important to note that such an individual may carry the hatchet only for fun and not for